Punctele de experienţă - cum se primesc punctele de experienţă:
# Muncind (2 Puncte)
# Muncind în propriile companii (2 puncte per company)
# Antrenament (2 puncte)
# Completând taskurile zilnice (Daily reward) (1 point)
# Luptând (1 punct la fiecare apăsare a butonului “fight”)
# Votând la alegeri (5 puncte)
# Câştigând alegerile pentru congres (20 puncte)
# Câştigând alegerile prezidenţiale (50 puncte)
Este imposibil să pierdeţi puncte de experienţă!
Nivelele de experienţă permit diverse acţiuni:
1 0 Hrănire – Muncă – Antrenament – Luptă
2 10 nimic
3 20 nimic
4 35 Cumpărare mâncare Q2 - Q6
5 50 nimic
6 70 nimic
7 90 Schimbarea reşedinţei
8 110 Colectarea bonusurilor de gold
9 130 Crearea unui ziar
10 150 nimic
11 180 nimic
12 210 Achiziţionare clădiri de producţie raw şi arme – construirea de companii
13 240 Alăturarea la un partid
14 270 Votarea la alegeri
15 300 Candidatură la congres – Donare gold – Schimb valutar – Vizionarea statisticilor de luptă
16 335 Crearea unui partid – Candidatura la preşedinţia partidului
17 370 Pornirea unui război de rezistenţă
18 410 Candidatura prezidenţială
19 450 nimic
20 500 nimic
21 1000 nimic
22 1500 nimic
23 2000 nimic
24 3000 nimic
25 5000 nimic
26 7000 nimic
27 10000 nimic
28 15000 nimic
Următorul nivel + 5000 faţă de precedentul
PS : Pentru fiecare nivel completat primiţi un gold
Din ziua 1822 s-au implementat titlurile personale, şi anume restricţii asupra noilor cetăţeni. Astfel, unele drepturi vor fi acordate doar după acumularea a 50 str:
#Adăugarea de oferte pe Monetary market
#Achiziţionarea de oferte extre de pe Monetary market
#Trimiterea a mai mult de un mesaj personal la fiecare 15 minute.
#Punerea în vânzare de produse la piaţă
#Achizitionarea de valută
#Donarea de valută, gold sau monedă naţională, sau de produse
#Angajarea altor cetăţeni în propriile firme.
Working (2 Points)
Working in your own companies (2 points per company)
Training (2 points)
Finish your daily task (1 point)
Fighting (1 point each time that you push the button “fight”)
Vote on elections (5 points)
Winning congress election (20 points)
Winning country president election (50 points)
Also, it is impossible to lose Experience points
Level Experience points needed Features
1 0 Eat – Work – Train – Fight
2 10 none
3 20 none
4 35 Buy Q2 to Q6 food
5 50 none
6 70 none
7 90 Being able to change residence
8 110 Collect gold shares
9 130 Create a newspaper
10 150 none
11 180 none
12 210 Buy FRM and WRM – Build companies
13 240 Join a political party
14 270 Vote on elections
15 300 Candidate to congress – Gold donations – Gold Exchange – View battle stats
16 335 Create a party – Candidate to president party election
17 370 Start a Resistance War
18 410 Candidate to country president
19 450 none
20 500 none
21 1000 none
22 1500 none
23 2000 none
24 3000 none
25 5000 none
26 7000 none
27 10000 none
28 15000 none
next level + 5000 than previous none
PS : Each time that you level up, you receive 1 gold
Mulţumiri lui Pat Pascal pentru articolul Experience points.
Starting from day 1822, Personal Titles will be displayed on your citizen profile page, under your eRepublik birthday. Citizens with strength over 50 will receive automatically the Adult title and they will not be affected by this change.
This change will affect only the new citizens that will receive the Young title and they will not have access to a list of feature until they reach the Adult title.
List of features that will be unavailable for the Young citizens:
#Adding offers on the Monetary market
#Buying more offers from Monetary market
#Voting for Elections
#Sending more than one Personal Messageevery 15 minutes
#Post Products on sale on Marketplace
#Buying more offers from Marketplace
#Donating Currency, Gold or Items
#Hiring citizens in your Companies
In order to reach the Adult title, a Youngcitizen, must solve the “Become an Adult”mission.
This change will affect only the new citizens that will receive the Young title and they will not have access to a list of feature until they reach the Adult title.
List of features that will be unavailable for the Young citizens:
#Adding offers on the Monetary market
#Buying more offers from Monetary market
#Voting for Elections
#Sending more than one Personal Messageevery 15 minutes
#Post Products on sale on Marketplace
#Buying more offers from Marketplace
#Donating Currency, Gold or Items
#Hiring citizens in your Companies
In order to reach the Adult title, a Youngcitizen, must solve the “Become an Adult”mission.