miercuri, 31 ianuarie 2018

[Erepublik] Guerrilla tutorial 2018

Acest tutorial a fost înregistrat de Clopoyaur, pe canalul lui de Youtube Clopoyaur Clopo.

A few basic things about Guerrilla fights in 2018 in Erepublik: gearing up and strategies in the battle. Watch me LIVE on my stream: http://mixer.com/clopoyaur

joi, 11 ianuarie 2018

Prescurtări și scurtături

Articol realizat de Stephen III of Moldavia postat în ziarul Circul Foamei. Toată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Prescurtări (ele sunt în limba engleză):

DO - Daily Order
MU - Military Unit
CP - Country President
PTO - Political Take-over.
ATO - Anti Take-over.
CS - Citizenship.
PP - Party President.
MoD - Minister of Defence
MoIA - Minister of Internal Affairs.
MoFA - Minister of Foreign Affairs.
MoF - Minister of Finances.
GoW - God of War.
MPP - Mutual Protection Pact.
CoD - Campaign of the Day.
RW - Resistance War.
BH - Battle Hero.
CH - Campaign Hero.
RH - Resistance Hero.
TW - Training War.
SS - Super Soldier.
DoW - Declaration of War.
NE - Natural Enemy.
FF - Food Fights.
Q (Q1, Q2...) - Quality.
BB - Baby Boom
Multi - Multiple Account.
FP -Forfeit Po=int
Temp Ban - Temporary Ban
Perm Ban - Permanent Ban
CC - Currency

Alina V Day 3,703, 15:24
PP mai poate fi prestige point/s sau party president.
eBitzu Ziua 3,704, 00:40
GM/SGM/AGM game moderator/ senior game moderator/ advanced game moderator


Shift+A Alerts
Shift+C Military Campaigns
Shift+L My land
Shift+M Military unit
Shift+N New Message
Shift+S Storage
Shift+T Top News
Shift+W World map

Art_vandalayi Day 3,703, 08:47
PS: ai ratat cateva:
SH - SkyHero Shift+G Residence
Shift+K List of shortcuts

miercuri, 3 ianuarie 2018

The new Campaigns page

 Articol realizat de Nicoale Crefelean postat în ziarul Eu, cetateanulToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Recently, the new campaigns page got an upgrade. I'm sure most of you noticed the difference, as well as the campaigns filter:

If you haven't, here are a few "one-click" tips:

1. Find epic battles
Click the Cold battles filter to disable it, and you'll see the Full Scale and Epic battles. The Full Scale ones become epic when the domination bar is between 49.5-50.5%, so take a good look. 🙂

2. Find battles you can join without moving
Click the My Location filter to enable it.

3. Find battles for your Daily Order
If you read this article I assume you're active enough to know that a Military Unit can have multiple battles set for the Daily Order (DO). So if the DO you see on the feed expired (old eRep bug) or you have to wait for who knows how long for the battle to resume, click the Daily Order filter and hope for more than one battle to show up. 😃

4. Find Combat Order battles
Click the Combat Order filter.

Of course the filters can be combined, so choose whatever you need. For instance:
1. Un-check Ground Battles to only show the aircraft battles;
2. Check My Location to filter out the battles requiring relocation.

NEW! Although not introduced immediately with the new campaigns page, we now have My contributions, which shows the battles you fought in on top. Anyone half-serious about eRepublik will love this feature, considering it's the easiest way to get back to some battle where you fought for a medal or any other reason.

The only thing I don't like about this page is the fact that the only way to close the filters is to click Filter Battles. It would've made more sense to be able to close it by clicking anywhere outside it, but this will probably be fixed soon.

What I'd like to see next in this page, is:
- filtering by type (war, resistance, airstrike, dictatorship)
- dismiss the filters popup after clicking outside it
- save the filters in a cookie, so we can refresh and see the same data (thanks, dan quijote)

What would you like to see on this page, other than the chicken's head? 😎