luni, 19 februarie 2018

【MoD】 Fighting: a guide to the military module [1/2]

Articol realizat de dan MoD postat în ziarul UK Ministry of DefenceToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de autor, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Click on your profile picture to go to your profile page, your stats are included underneath your medal bar, in the section titled 'Military Attributes. It's important to know what each of these are, as they are terms used later on.

The military module is where citizens can fight for a country in a war. When fighting, each citizen has a certain amount of damage they can do, based on several factors. These factors differ as there are two types of battles: ground battles and air battles. In ground battles, citizens are split into four groups called divisions, and fight separately. Citizens are able to use weapons of varying qualities, (from 1-7) or fight barehanded (without a weapon). For younger citizens: never fight without a weapon!. The way your damage is calculated is a little convuluted, as there are two types of battles in a war.

To view active battles, click the wars button.

The amount of damage a citizen does per fight in ground battles depends on three factors:
- The amount of 'hits' required to defeat an enemy soldier
- The amount of 'strength' you have
- Your current 'military rank'
The amount of damage a citizen does per fight in air battles depends on two factors:
- The amount of 'hits' required to defeat an enemy soldier
- Your current 'military rank'
*By default, all citizens have the same amount of perception (aka: strength) in air battles.
As such, to improve your damage, there are two methods: improving your strength (ground battles) and improving your military rank (air battles and ground battles).

Military rank is improved by fighting. The more you fight, the more rank points you get. When your rank points hit a certain number, you are promoted to the next military rank, and receive a reward of 1 energy bar. Each promotion in military rank will increase your damage-per-hit. This applies for both ground battles and air battles. Each promotion in rank will increase your damage-per-hit by 5%.

In ground battles, strength is an indication of your raw power. The higher your strength, the more damage you do. Unfortunately, as strength is given to citizens by training, which is available once per day, this means that newer citizens are never going to catch up with older citizens, even if they spend lots of gold. Thus, for newer citizens, the key is improving your military rank in both ground and air battles. In ground battles, never fight without a weapon, as this wastes energy. Waste here refers to the fact that you will gain experience, but not gain the full amount of rank points and means you will end up levelling up with a below-average military rank. If you cannot afford weapons, find a military unit that provides supplies to soldiers. You can speak to the commander of a military unit to find out how to receive supplies.

The final point after stength, military rank and damage-per-hit, and the next key part of the Military module is divisions. Players are split into four separate divisions, based on their Experience level:
- Level 1 - 34: Division 1 Reward for most damage in a round: 2 Gold
- Level 35 - 49: Division 2 Reward for most damage in a round: 3 Gold
- Level 50 - 69: Division 3 Reward for most damage in a round: 4 Gold
- Level 70+: Division 4 Reward for most damage in a round: 5 Gold

Whilst levelling up is inevitable, its important that you do so in a measured way: so once again, to all players in Divisions 1 to 3:
never fight without weapons.
Wherever possible, use supplies from government, or a Military unit.
When buying weapons yourself, stick to Q5 or Q7 weapons, depending on how much money you have.
NEVER use Gold to buy energy or energy bars.
Buy a house which will give you extra energy you can recover. It will then give you points you can use to work overtime once per day: this overtime will meant that your house is basically free, as the extra wage should more than cover the cost of buying a house.

This about covers the individual element of fighting. In our next article, we'll explain wars and the battle page. To remind you of the key parts of this article, and golden rules to remember when thinking about your fighting:

- Anyone in Divisions 1 to 3 should never fight without a weapon. Ideally, fight with a Q7 weapon, as it maximises the amount of damage you do per hit, and will increase your military rank faster. If you cannot afford a Q7 weapon, the next best choice is a Q5 weapon. Join a military unit to get free supplies of weapons and food.
- NEVER spend gold to buy energy, or energy bars. Instead, buy a house and use it to 'work overtime' - this means you essentially get a free house, and free extra energy.
- WHEREVER POSSIBLE fight in air battles if you are a new player. It is much easier to increase your damage in air battles, as it is a level playing field with everyone given the same 'base damage'. Fighting in air battles without a weapon is also absolutely fine.
- Join a Military Unit and ask for supplies.

Article written by jamesw, aka: most handsome president ever

sâmbătă, 3 februarie 2018

Strict pe partea economică. Sfaturile unui jucător etânăr....

Articol realizat de dan Quijote postat în ziarul Răcnetul argumentativToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

 Stiti interviul cu nea Gigi la care ma refer, nu? Cam asa poate fi cu partea economica daca nu sunteti atenti. E foarte usor sa pierdeti bani. E obligatoriu sa va maximizati toate procesele de business pentru a putea supravietui pe piata. Si eu sunt un incepator, asa ca sper sa comenteze jucatori cu experienta mai multa si sa corecteze/completeze unde e cazul.

Orice firma trebuie sa faca profit. Profitul este diferenta dintre venituri si cheltuieli. Deci, este sarcina voastra sa maximizati veniturile si sa minimizati cheltuielile. Sa le luam pe rand.

Maximizarea veniturilor

1. Nivelul firmelor
Daca vreti materii prime va recomand sa deschideti doar firme de nivel maxim, cele de 35 de euro gold. Pentru mancare si arme e mai simplu deoarece puteti munci voi in firma. Nu o sa fie rentabil sa puneti angajati sa munceasca deoarece nu vor produce suficient pentru a-si plati salariul si veti avea pierderi. Daca vreti firme de materii prime pentru case sau arme de aviatie va recomand sa va faceti bine calculele inainte. E posibil sa nu fie o idee buna.

Cea mai buna fabrica e cea de arme nivel 7. Totusi, aveti grija pentru ca firmele de arme de nivel mic pot genera pierderi. Trebuie neaparat sa calculati inainte de a investi. Puteti investi cu incredere in firma de mancare. Puteti face rapid cateva firme de nivel 1-3.

2. Bonusuri si poluare
E important sa va ganditi bine in ce regiune vreti sa va deschideti holdingul. Sa va uitati ce bonusuri are tara (nu conteaza bonusurile regiunii ci doar cele ale tarii) si ce nivel de poluare are regiunea. Cautati regiuni cu poluare zero sau cat mai aproape de zero in tara cu bonusuri maxime (Romania, de exemplu). De asemenea, daca regiunea identificata ca fiind ideala nu este istoric a noastra, intrebati un jucator cu experienta cat de probabil e sa o pierdem in viitor.

3. Vindeti scump
Cu 20 de gold puteti cumpara licenta de export. Cautati tari cu populatie mai mare de 300 locuitori, cu taxa de import 1 si cu tva 1 si studiati o vreme preturile la produsul pe care vreti sa il vindeti. In general se merita sa cumparati licente de export doar dupa ce aveti mai multe firme.

Minimizaea cheltuielilor

1. Salariile angajatilor
Jocul e un pic dezechilibrat in sensul in care este foarte usor pentru un jucator sa aiba foarte multi angajati. Dar un jucator nu poate munci decat la un singur angajator (ok, de mai multe ori, dar nu se compenseaza). Deci, exista o presiune foarte mare pe piata muncii. Alt aspect important cand e vorba de salarii il reprezinta faptul ca firmele de arme nivel q7 sunt mult mai rentabile decat orice alta firma. Deci cei care au astfel de firme isi pot permite sa ofere salarii mult mai mari decat puteti voi. Totusi, exista un trick: puteti deschide mai multe holdinguri. Cand veti pune o oferta pe piata muncii, aceasta va apare in toate tarile in care aveti holdinguri! Deci, cautati tari cu populatie rezonabila (in nici un caz sub 200) si salarii mici. Apoi deschideti un holding acolo. Totusi aveti grija ca prezenta voastra va strica un echilibru fragil. Sunt sanse mari sa creasca salariul acolo repede dupa ce veniti voi deoarece ati modificat raportul cerere/oferta. Din experienta mea puteti lua maxim 1 angajat la o populatie de 100, mai degraba 1 la 200, fara sa stricati piata muncii.

2. Materii prime
Daca aveti nevoie sa cumparati materii prime trebuie sa stiti ca puteti cumpara ori din tara de cetatenie, ori din tara in care va aflati. Asa ca intrati pe erepublik tools (e un site, dati o cautare google) si vedeti unde e cel mai mic pret la materia prima. Apoi va calculati daca economia pe care o puteti face justifica costul calatoriei. Luati in calcul si ca e posibil (dar nu o sa se intample frecvent) ca pana ajungeti voi acolo produsul sa se fi vandut.

Cheat sheet
Intrati pe profilul lui Praz si apasati repede sus-sus-stanga-sus-dreapta-jos, in timp ce sariti cu fundul pe scaun. O sa sara 10.000 cc din visterie in contul vostru. 🙂. Acum pe bune, daca vreti sa bagati bani in joc (si de ce nu? si erepublik labs trebuie sa traiasca) va recomand sa cumparati un pack unui dinozaur gras. Pretul e cam de 210.000 CC pentru un pack de 15 euro sau 140.000 CC pentru un pack de 10 euro. Asta o sa va dea un boost important.


SFlorin 1044SFlorin Day 3,728, 01:31
La categoria ,,Bonusuri si Poluare "
Cand alegeti regiunea unde deschideti firme Urmariti si Work Tax.
Nu e nici o afacere daca tot ce castigi prin bonusuri de tara la platesti la Work Tax.
Ar fi de urmarit evolutia in timp a acestei taxe. Sunt (unele) tari care au redus taxa respectiva o perioada , pentru a atrage jucatori cu firme si apoi au marit taxa , profitand de faptul ca e scump sa muti firmele in alte regiuni

zmeuNY 257zmeuNY Day 3,728, 05:30
Nu va angajati la jucatori care au cetatenie cu work tax mare. La job market veti putea vedea si angajatori cu alta cetatenie. Dati click pe tara si apoi mergeti la tabul economic. Acolo o sa vedeti work tax-ul. Pe ala o sa il platiti voi din salariu. Sunt cateva tari cu work tax 1%.

Nicolas Cristian Alex Popa Ziua 3,728, 02:37 Nu uita de Tycoon pack:
- 20% bonus
- 150 work-uri
- poti schimba mai mult gold pe zi
- stuff like that