joi, 12 aprilie 2018

Free Train - a visual guide

Articol realizat de Nicolae Crefelean postat în ziarul Eu, cetateanulToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

I have finally done it! 😁 If you haven't reached this stage in the game, here's how it goes.
First, you reach level 200

This activates a new mission in your side bar:

Click it and you'll see this:

The first thing you will complete is defeating 200 opponents.
As I wasn't in any hurry, I completed that objective the next day:

Then, unless you're an energy recovery "addict" with packs giving you extra energy to storm your way to level 201, your next check mark will be getting 200 Strength:

As I play the game without packs and hoards of Energy Bars, it took me over a week to complete the mission, so I got this warning after 7 days:

Don't worry when you see it, as it won't interfere with your mission. It's just Plato's way to annoy you with one extra notification, to keep you "entertained". 😛

This will be a very interesting level up to look for, so you'll be pleased to see this:

And finally, the mission is complete:

Just be careful about your calculations before you get close to level 200. Try to figure out how much time you need to level up. If your training contract expires before you have the chance to get to complete your mission, you'll pay extra gold for your daily training. If you don't make proper calculations or you simply don't care about taking the risk when you're too close to your contract limit, just buy another one. It will be your last 53 Gold spent on it anyway.

This is how much time I got left after I completed my mission:

Yup, that's almost 36 days. I wonder, do I get a refund for the final contract if I ask Plato? After all, I won't be using it anyway.

As a side note, my eRepublik birthday comes precisely 10 days after I reached this target in the game. It marks 6 years, a lot of fun, more than enough annoyances, and starting today - one less worry🙂

Cheers, and good luck reaching your level 201, and more! 😁

P.S. Wow, it took me 2 years and 5 months since I've become an Elite noob to reach level 201! So my next x01will take me quite a while. 🙂

P.S.2 I wrote a ticket and asked for a gold refund for the last contract I bought, and I received it, but also the equivalent gold for the remaining days of the other one. Cool! 😃 So don't forget to ask, and you'll have a great day. 😁

Free Train - a visual guide:

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