luni, 17 decembrie 2018

[MoE] Usage of eRepublik Mobile [Open Beta Stage]

Acest articol a fost postat în ziarul StaatcourantsToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de autor, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Dear citizens of the eNetherlands,

On November 26 the following information was posted on the eRepublik forum:

Dear Citizens,

As some of you may now, a while ago we announced mobile app Closed Alpha program.

Since then, we have been continuously working on the app and we are proud to announce that, starting the 20th of November, its development will enter the Open Beta Stage.

If you are curious to see what it’s all about, you can download it here:



We welcome any feedback you wish to share with us either here in the comments or at

I've been using eRepublik mobile for a couple weeks and I would like to inform you all how you can use the app to your advantage. Besides that I think it's useful that we have some insight in the way a new wave of players will experience the game. I personally use an android device so the things I say might be slightly different for iOS.

On android you just click the link > click on install > log in to your google account > select the mobile device you wish to install eRepublik Mobile.

After that it gets a little bit tricky because the first time you connect it is very easy to create a new (multi) account by accident. Be sure that you login with your existing account. Once you have done this you end op on the homepage which looks a bit like this:

A birds eye city view in which most of the blocks are a link to a specific page. Between it all you can see our friendly neighbourhood Nimh drifting around. If I make a very basic analysis the following can be said about the homepage:

Very visible:
-MU chat
-Next rewards in the weekly challenge.
-Buffs (training contract, house etc.)
-Buttons for Map-Missions*-Mail*-Wars-More
(*with notifications)

Not visible:

-Country/friends/MU/party feeds
-Important campaigns

I won't go into detail about every different looking page in the app but I would like to give some attention to the war module. In the app the campaign page looks like this:

a battle looks like this: 

and fighting using the deploy function looks like this:

Fighting using the deploy function could be called auto-fighting. You select how much energy you wish to use, select a weapon, click deploy and you will automatically start hitting until the energy is used.

Okay so how can you use eRepublik mobile to your advantage.

Deploying is quite ideal when you are busy and don't have time to tab a button a hundred times. Besides that it's also a lot more subtle when you are in an environment where you are not really supposed to play games. Work, school or when you are having an obligatory coffee with your mother in law for example.

Both an upside and downside of an app is that it can send you notifications. This way you don't have to keep a constant eye on the game. You get for example a notification when your health is fully recovered. Besides that I imagine eRepublik mobile works better than the webpage op phones with a small screen.

Keep in mind that eRepublik Mobile is still in beta, features may be altered, removed or added and bugs could occur!

That's all for now, have a nice day folks!

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