marți, 5 martie 2019

Top 5 Tips and Pitfalls for New Players, plus more

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Greetings from the Ministry of Internal Affairs!

You may have been sent here by a message (PM) sent to you by one of the MIA Deputies. They are contacting players under 2-weeks old to send them some helpful advice and to find out what new players need (please leave a comment below or send me/Plugson a message if you have something to say)

In the article below, we've put together a set of Dos/Tips and Donts/Pitfalls that new players need to know about. As well, there are some helpful articles listed that provide more examples with pictures, too.

Featured Help: Doctor of Souls runs a "Ministry of Health" that provides free food for players. All you have to do is sign up and he'll supply you regularly, which is a great way to save money on food supplies so you can upgrade your facilities ~ click on this link to directly sign up:
MoH Sign-up Form

Or read about his program here:

1. Level 1-15 can get a maximum 100 HP daily.
2. Level 16-19 can get a maximum 200 HP daily.
3. Level 20-30 can get a maximum 500 HP daily.

Thank you for you stopping in and all the best learning the game!
Plugson, Minister of Internal Affairs

Top 5 Tips to Try:

-1) Save your Gold ~ upgrade wisely (training facility and food supply)

-2) Join a Military Unit and Political Party ~ ask questions, find mentors

-3) Upgrade the Free Training Facility ASAP ~ investing in strength has long-term benefits in earning Gold and Rank Points.

-4) Complete the Daily Order 'Barehanded' ~ Join a Military Unit & use “Food Fights” (fight with no weapon) to reach 25 Kills/per day to receive Bazooka and Energy bar bonuses

-5) Save your Bazooka and Energy Bars for a Battle Hero medal (Gold reward+fun)

Top 5 Pitfalls to Avoid:

-1) Do not spend your “easy Gold” on Health Packs, bazooka parts/boosters, energy bars. These waste money!

-2) Do not buy highest quality Food, it only benefits storage space ~ check to see which quality-level of Food is the best price by multiplying each Q-level by 2, then divide by the price.

-3) Avoid using weapons if you can ~ sell any you receive to fund your upgrades

-4) Try not to buy into “Special Offers” posted in the game ~ they are usually only good for rich Gold buyers. Wait for the 44% Discount on Training Facility and Company upgrades if you can (every 2-3 months).

-5) Do not be afraid to ask questions, “friend” people, make comments in articles and shouts, and join in on discussions ~ this is where the game really starts

--Complete the Missions but NEVER spend Gold to auto-finish them

--Invest early on in Raw Material Companies ~ sell the extra Raw Materials on the market to save for more upgrades/companies.

--Build food self-sufficiency, then Weapon self-sufficiency ~ (FYI: Every 2-3 months, there is a special 44% discount offered on company and training facility upgrades. Save your Gold for these upgrades if you can)

--If you want to build a new Food or Weapon Company before the 44% Discount is offered, be sure to look in the “Companies For Sale” area (under Market tab) for slightly cheaper companies.

--You will received Gold very easily early on in the game as you go up levels very quickly. Gold will become more difficult to receive later on. Save your “easy Gold” and invest it in training facilities or food production.

--Read these articles about establishing your citizen in the game:

Getting Started ~ Economy:


--Strength training is a great investment and is MUCH better than buying weapons:
A) You receive 5 Gold for every 250 points (Super Soldier medal)

B ) It is cumulative and necessary to become a stronger soldier to help your team

C) It will give you more rank points with each fight and make it
slightly easier to win a Battle Hero in your Division (low levels need less strength)

D) It pays for itself and offers long-term benefits
Read this article about Strength Training Facilities and the upgrades (note that some training facilities will REPAY THE GOLD INVESTED in it):

STRENGTH PRO-TIP 1: Upgrade your Free Training facility to Q3 ASAP, then the 0.19 Gold facility, then the 1.79 facility later on (only if you have a supply of Gold for investing in training!). The 1.49 Gold facility is the least efficient and should be upgraded the very last, if at all.

STRENGTH PRO-TIP 2: Keep 5 Gold in reserve so that you can always use 0.19 Gold Facility ~ it will cover some of its own costs when you receive the 5 Gold Super Soldier reward.

Having more Strength early on in lower Divisions (Div 1 & Div 2) may allow you to win Battle Hero medals that will bring in some extra Gold, too.

FIGHTING TIPS: Bazookas, Energy Bars, and Battle Heroes:
--Save your energy bars and bazooka parts until you have enough to try for a Battle Hero medal (top influence in a 1.5 hour mini-battle).

--Battle Hero medals give you a small Gold reward, so are worth a small investment in food and guns if necessary.

--1 Bazooka shot will give you 10,000 influence. 1 Bazooka has 3 shots = 30,000/Bazooka.

--Energy Bars will give you 100 Health or 10 hits. Use a combination of Bazookas and Energy Bars to reach top damage for the mini-battle in your Division.

--DO NOT assemble your bazooka parts until you want to attempt a Battle Hero reward.

--Bazookas must be used when assembled or you can use another weapon in its place if you wish to save your assembled bazooka.

--Do not buy Bazooka Boosters or Bazooka parts unless you have extra real-life money to spend. Boosters and parts are not a good use of in-game Gold.

--Read these articles about the Battle Module to learn how to enter a battle:
Battle Module:

If you have further questions or want to be sure you are progressing well, read these “walkthrough” articles that explain the first steps in the game:

First Days in eRep:

General Walkthroughs:

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