luni, 16 iulie 2018

[Noob Tip] Find a house, settle down

Articol realizat de dan quijote postat în ziarul Răcnetul argumentativToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Tip: activate a q1 house

You buy it from the market and you activate it on the page of the storage.

You can work twice every day and you earn two salaries per day. The price of the house is about 4-5 salaries, so you will have a nice profit overall.

Sub-tip: you need to may have a residence. Try to favor small cities because they will give you 20% bonus on the durability of the house. You will work 8.4 times for every house you buy.

UPDATE by Misteer Y: The Q1 house also give +50 max energy (and 2 energy recovery/6 minutes), great for people not online 24/24.

UPDATE by Nicolae Crefelean: please see his comment. It is worth it.


Voted. The Q1 house also give +50 max energy, great for people not online 24/24.
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Day 3,865, 10:20
1 votes

Thanks, I updated the tip.
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Day 3,865, 13:10
0 votes
"+2 energy recovery/6 minutes" (for each activated house) is only valid for citizens who are residents, not nomads.

NO, you *don't need* to settle down. You can stay a nomad if you want, and if you're not very active or you don't have scripts, it's actually more expensive to become a resident because you'll have to pay a tax in your city of residence. Also, once you become a resident, you cannot become a nomad again.

Being a nomad allows you to pause the houses you activated. This is a useful feature of the game that allows a player to store a lot of energy before the beginning of a new week. Once you use that energy on the battlefield, to get Prestige Points, as long as you are a nomad you can pause your active houses. This allows you to use them for many weeks, and also activate them before you level up, because your energy bar will fill up on each new level, so you get more energy for free, then pause the houses again.

How do you check if a house is profitable? Let's say a Q1 house costs 2400cc and as a nomad you can use it for exactly 7 days. That means a cost of 2400/7 = 342.85 (cc/day). Currently you can get a job for 555 cc/work.

555 - 342.85 = 212.15 (2 works each day means a profit of 424.3cc)

So with that daily salary you will actually make more money than you spend by having a Q1 house active full time. Cool, right? What about Q2 houses?

4800 / 7 = 685.71
685.71 - 555 = 130.71

While Q2 is not profitable, it's good to know that the daily loss of keeping the Q2 house fully active is less than the profit your Q1 house offers. That means you can use both Q1 and Q2 houses at all time and still gain a few currency, thanks to the Q1 house's profit.
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Day 3,865, 12:14
4 votes

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