luni, 23 iulie 2018

[Noob Tip] Make friends

Articol realizat de dan quijote postat în ziarul Răcnetul argumentativToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Tip: make lots of friends

Whenever you see the profile of a player, send him a friend request. It may be when you buy products from the market, when you are on the battle field, when you look at the members of a party, a military unit etc.

The friends feed can be very useful. You can ask questions there, you can ask for help, you see what the others are posting. You get to better understand the game and the players.

UPDATE by Rican: also.... take the time to friend everyone in your political party and military unit


u are right.. more friends more things u can know.. no matter if u are differ from politics/religion or country

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