luni, 9 iulie 2018

[Noob Tip] Your first Sky Hero medal

Articol realizat de dan quijote postat în ziarul Răcnetul argumentativToată munca depusă pentru crearea acestui articol a fost depusă de el, aceasta fiind doar o republicare.

Tip: ask a friend for help

You will not be able to get a Sky Hero medal by yourself. You need to ask a very strong player to help you. Good news: there are many who would gladly do it.

The plan is:
1. You will use all your EB and do around 100k damage (the more the better)
2. The Very strong player will also hit in the battle and will be only a little bit behind you.
3. Nobody should try to steal your medal, because if they do, then the strong player will fight and take it.
4. It is not 100% sure, but it works.

UPDATE by Sub Zero: Or strong player hit 70k and u "steal it" in last min. With his blessing, ofc😉

Related tips:
Daily orders
Make friends

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